I am Little-Rena, here to wish you a happy Clock Day, and look towards many great years to come! Newgrounds really seems to be in another golden age right now, so why not take this time to get to know the Clock Crew? Here is the website, incase you don't know it! Also, become a supporter, help out Newgrounds, go on, click the link and put some money down, you know you want to!
Now, sales pitch over, time to intoduce you to my two submissions for Clockday.
Clocks of the BBS, a collab of BBS users
D.Va Clock and the Quest for Flash 8, a great AAA title, for free!
And if you are one of them loonies who thinks that I am also D.Va Clock, here is Das Twenty-One Second Collab
As for my favourite Clock Day submission so far? Well, I mean, they are all amazing, like:
FFFFFF-F: Additional F, it has drama, twists, and turns
Medic's Magnum Opus, for those who love art
OTB - Powder Keg because OTB is always a good time
But I mean, really, when it comes down to picking a favourite, with no bias, it has to be Untitled-4.fla
Enjoy the rest of Clock Day, and see you on the flip side, or something innit!